A blog by spcaLA president, Madeline Bernstein

Feb 21, 2020

Pigeons and MAGA hats glued to their heads! STOP

wikimedia commons

As national attention turned to Nevada amid a Presidential visit, a Democratic debate, and Saturday’s Democratic Caucus, one group chose to make their political point using live pigeons. A group calling itself Pigeons United to Interfere Now (P.U.T.I.N.) took credit for gluing small hats, and one wig, on aflock of pigeons before releasing them in Downtown Las Vegas on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.

Can we please leave animals out of politics? It is unconscionable to affix items on these birds, inhibiting their eyesight and exposing them to other potential dangers for the sake of a political or any prank. Our animals belong to no party but will still love you regardless of yours.

Did they suffer while the items were glued onto their heads? I bet it hurts to take them off. Will others make them victims of new pranks, or try to capture them? What about copycats? (No insult to cats intended.)

Come on - STOP

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