A blog by spcaLA president, Madeline Bernstein

Nov 2, 2020

Vote for YOU. Vote for US. Vote national, state, county and local!


I need your help tomorrow - not with donations - but with your vote.

True leadership, vision, collaboration and change start right here, at the local level.

That leadership is forged in every election, by you.

Consider the public-private partnership entered into twenty years ago between your spcaLA and the City of Long Beach - resulting in the spcaLA P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal Village & Education Center.

Partnerships like ours became the norm and the model not just in animal welfare, but right now in pandemic response. Chefs working with government to feed the hungry. The state of California working with private hotel chains. Public-private collaboration shows the best of America.

When you vote in every election, at the local level, you are voting for yourself. Your kids. Your parents. Your pets. Your businesses.

Whether your interest lies in protecting the environment, fostering animal welfare, increasing literacy, or providing comfort and housing to the homeless, to name a few, you must be vigilant in studying the candidates, their competencies and virtues and vote for the ones you would hire in your own businesses.

Conversely, we must fire the ones that don’t deliver. Don’t allow top leadership to abdicate and delegate policy and responsibility to loud, fact-challenged ideologues who holler at them during council meetings.

We small businesses, charities, and citizens must band together as “Davids” against the “Goliaths:” the governments, the public servants who would exploit us for their own benefit.

Vote every time, in every election, whether local, county, state or national.

Vote to keep your elected officials on their toes. Vote to insist they honor their promises. Vote to ensure your future.

Just vote.