A blog by spcaLA president, Madeline Bernstein

Nov 29, 2023

Donate SMART, support LOCAL CHARITIES, and create HEALTHY communities

As we are again coming upon the busiest fund-raising season of the year, I urge you to donate locally. Local papers are again full of advertisements from out-of-state animal charities who do not inform you that they are taking your funds which you donated to help local animals, and using them out of state as they wish.

How many of you reading this did not know that the aspca is not a national umbrella organization that funnels contributions back to other states and communities by zip code as do actual national charities? How many of you would donate to a New York organization if you knew it was neither your local spca who responds to your needs and protects your animals, nor even affiliated with your local spca? Based upon angry calls we receive from donors that feel duped, I would say many of you!

spcas throughout the country are individual legal entities and not chapters of any mother organization. Yet aspca spends tens of millions of dollars annually on television, full page ads and other fundraising outlets which omit that significant fact. If you knew that fact and intended to donate there – ok. But – what if you didn't?  How do you feel about the fact that your hard-earned funds meant for your local animal shelter were instead spent in New York to support expenses of a New York organizationA CBS news expose' discussed some of these issues

Donors everywhere often feel cheated and upset to learn that they donated to the wrong organization and that their gifts neither contributed to programs nor helped needy pets in their own communities. What would happen to your spcaLA and to our vulnerable populations here if a lot of generous people made that mistake?

It is essential for you, your lawyers and estate planners to research reputable existing charities and locate those that serve the constituency and community that you wish to help. Determine if that charity provides the specific service that you wish to fund in the place you wish to fund it. Only then should you donate. Frequently, your local charity may also be providing international relief as well or is collaborating with one that is which obviates the need to seek another charity.

Giving locally also helps to strengthen the community in which you live by creating jobs, bolstering the economy and enabling the community to thrive. Stronger communities result in stronger cities, states and countries. In other words, our ability to help others improves with our own increased strength and solvency. It is especially true where the philanthropic entities are filling gaps left by the government and the for-profit sector. If the reputable local nonprofits fail - there will be no relief for their dependent, human or otherwise.

Charity begins at home. It is only when we stand strong that we can lift others.