A blog by spcaLA president, Madeline Bernstein

Oct 9, 2013

Really, don't hate me because I'm a pit bull

spcaLA uses pit bulls, like Patty, to help re-instill empathy
in youth from at-risk communities.
Last night, Riverside County supervisors passed an ordinance prohibiting residents of unincorporated areas of Riverside County from owning an unaltered pit bull, or pit mix, who is older than 4 months.

Included in the ordinance are exceptions for therapy dogs, licensed breeders, law enforcement and dogs certified too ill for surgery. Besides their concern with the perceived danger of pits, they also lament that many of these dogs languish in shelters for lack of homes.

This is a good idea for ALL dogs!

All dogs bite. All dogs are being euthanized across the country simply because there is no time or space for them to wait for a loving family. All dogs are dogs.

Rather than wasting time trying to correctly identify whether a mixed breed falls within the ordinance or litigating whether the law as written is constitutionally vague or violative of due process - apply the ordinance to all dogs.  Why pile on to one breed when it is true that not all pits are dangerous and not all retrievers are nice.  A spay neuter ordinance that applies to all dogs requires only that law enforcement recognize the difference between a dog and a giraffe!

Imagine a world where we are discerning instead of discriminating. Viscous dogs will not be tolerated or placed in families regardless of breed. Humans who misuse and abuse dogs for illicit purposes will be prosecuted. And - due to the sterilization efforts all dogs who are adoptable will have sufficient time to find a home.

Lets do this intelligently.

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